Plot: Zen Pinball is a series of pinball machine video games for iOS and the PlayStation 3 developed by Zen Studios. The iOS releases are two separate applications, each containing one table; Zen Pinball: Rollercoaster, released July 7, 2008, and Zen Pinball: Inferno, released October 31, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Galactic Pinball is a pinball video game for Nintendo's Virtual Boy game console. The game was released on July 21, 1995 in Japan and on August 14, 1995 in the United States. It is set in the Milky Way galaxy, and has players maneuvering a puck around one of four pinball tables available in the game...
Plot: Super Breakout was released in arcades in September 1978 as the sequel to Atari, Inc.'s Breakout from 1976. It was written by Ed Rotberg, who later designed Battlezone for Atari. Wikipedia