Plot: Lux is a series of turn-based strategy computer games, inspired by the rule system of the board game Risk but expanding it to function on any map made up of a graph of countries and the connections between them. Lux was developed and self-published by developer Sillysoft Games. Wikipedia
Plot: Spaceteam is a free-to-play local cooperative multiplayer video game developed and published by Henry Smith of Canadian studio Sleeping Beast Games for iOS and Android operating systems. It was released on December 1, 2012 and is described as a cooperative shouting game for phones and tablets. Wikipedia...
Plot: Carom 3D is a 3D, freeware online sports simulation video game released by Neoact in 1999. It was initially a school project of a Korean student known as Comworm. It quickly gained in popularity in Korea in 2000, and the year after several thousand players across the world. Wikipedia