Plot: Line Rider is an internet game, with versions available for Microsoft Silverlight, Javascript, Windows, and Flash. It was originally created in September 2006 by Boštjan Čadež, a Slovenian student. Soon after its initial appearance on DeviantArt, Line Rider became an internet phenomenon. Wikipedia...
Plot: Hex Frvr is a puzzle video game released in 2015, created by indie developer Chris Benjaminsen. The player is given an empty hexagon-shaped board, and must strategically place pieces on it to fill in lines of tiles. It started as a test, but unexpectedly went viral after Benjaminsen released it. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fury3 is a simulation video game developed by Terminal Reality and published by Microsoft for Windows 95. It is not a sequel to Terminal Velocity, but the two games share basic game mechanics and use the same engine. Wikipedia
Plot: Doodle God is a puzzle video game developed by JoyBits for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, iOS, flash browser, Android and Windows Phone. Doodle God's gameplay is inspired by Russian online javascript game 'Alchemygame' based on an old DOS game named 'Alchemy'. Wikipedia...
Plot: Happy Wheels is a ragdoll physics-based platform browser game developed and published by Fancy Force. Created by video game designer Jim Bonacci in 2010, the game features several player characters, who use different, sometimes atypical, vehicles to traverse the game's many levels. Wikipedia