Plot: Bomberman Kart is a racing game for PlayStation 2 and mobile phones starring the Bomberman characters. It is similar to Mario Kart. The game supports 4 player local multiplayer using the PlayStation 2 Multitap. The first version was released in 2001 in Japan and later 2002 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman Land 2: The Biggest Theme Park in Game History is a 2003 video game developed by Racjin. The game was released in Japan only for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube. To celebrate Bomberman Land 2's release, Hudson Soft scheduled Bomberman Land 2 competitions at five retail locations in...
Plot: Bomberman Land is a Bomberman Land spin-off series of Bomberman games. It focuses on mini-games including a classic Battle Mode based on the original game. This is not to be confused with the Wii and PlayStation titles of the same name. Wikipedia