Plot: Super Bomberman 4 is a multiplayer action-party video game, developed by Produce and published by Hudson Soft for the Super Famicom, released on April 26, 1996 in Japan. It is the fourth installment of the Super Bomberman franchise for the console. The story begins at an unknown time after Super Bomberman...
Plot: Bomberman is a strategic, maze-based video game franchise originally developed by Hudson Soft and currently owned by Konami. The first game in the series was released in Japan on December 20, 1985 and new games have been published at irregular intervals ever since. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman 5, released by Hudson Soft in early 1997, was the final Bomberman game released on the Super Famicom. The game was released in two variations: a standard cartridge and a gold cartridge, which was sold through CoroCoro Comic. The gold cartridge included extra maps in battle mode. Wikipedia...
Plot: Om Nom: Run is a free-to-play endless runner mobile game starring Om Nom and its friend Om Nelle. It is developed and published by the Russian ZeptoLab. It is available on Android and iOS platforms. The game follows Om Nom running through the dangerous streets of Nomville. Wikipedia
Plot: Neo Bomberman is an action-maze arcade video game developed by Produce! and published by Hudson Soft for the Neo Geo MVS on May 1, 1997. Wikipedia