Plot: Puzzle de Harvest Moon is a spin-off puzzle video game in the Harvest Moon series. It was developed by Platinum-Egg Inc. and published by Natsume on November 6, 2007. Puzzle de Harvest Moon is retrospectively the first entry in Natsume's Harvest Moon series as separate from Marvelous's Story of Seasons...
Plot: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is a farming simulation role-playing game by Marvelous Entertainment released for Nintendo's Wii console. It is the second title for the Wii in the series, and has the same characters as Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming is a farming puzzle video game developed by Platinum-Egg Inc. It was released for Nintendo DS and iOS on August 25, 2009. At E3 2011, Natsume announced the game would be ported to Android in Summer 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon 2 GBC, released in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari GB2, is a farm simulation video game for the Game Boy Color developed and published by Victor Interactive Software, and the second portable game in the Story of Seasons series. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon 3 GBC is a farm simulation video game for the Game Boy Color developed and published by Victor Interactive Software, part of the long-running Story of Seasons series of video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is a video game in the farm simulation series Story of Seasons, developed and published by Victor Interactive Software. It is the first Harvest Moon game for a non-Nintendo console. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley is a video game in the farm simulation series Harvest Moon for PlayStation Portable, developed by Marvelous Interactive Inc. and published in the U.S. by Natsume. It was released on March 19, 2009 in Japan and on April 26, 2010 in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon 64, released in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari 2, is a farm simulation video game developed and published by Victor Interactive Software for the Nintendo 64 video game console, and the third game in the Story of Seasons series. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, released in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari 3: Heart ni Hi o Tsukete, is a 2001 farm simulation game, part of the popular Harvest Moon series of video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is a video game that was released in Japan on September 2003 and March 2004 in North America for the GameCube. It was developed and published by Marvelous Interactive, and is part of the long-running Story of Seasons series of video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody is a social simulation video game for the GameCube developed by Marvelous Interactive. It is an updated version of Bokujō Monogatari: Shiawase no Uta, which was released in Japan. The updated GameCube version was released in the United States by Natsume on March 28, 2006...
Plot: Harvest Moon DS: Grand Bazaar is a simulation role-playing video game released on December 18, 2008 by Marvelous Interactive in Japan, and released on August 24, 2010 by Natsume in North America. It was released in Europe on September 30, 2011 by Rising Star Games. Wikipedia