Plot: Blue's Clues is educational adventure video game series based on the television show of the same name developed and published by Humongous Entertainment. The first game, Blue's 123 Time Activities, was released in 1999. The game works on Windows 95 and above, and on System 7.5.3 to Mac OS X Tiger....
Plot: Blue's 123 Time Activities is a 1999 educational game developed and published by Humongous Entertainment. The game works on Windows 95 and above, and on System 7.5.3 to Mac OS X Tiger. It was the first game in the Blue's Clues video game series, in turn based on the television series of the same name...
Plot: Blue's Treasure Hunt is a 1999 educational video game developed and published by Humongous Entertainment, based on the Blue's Clues television series. Wikipedia
Plot: Blue's Birthday Adventure is an educational video game for children from the ages of 3 6 years of age. The game is based on the pre-school television program Blue's Clues. It was developed and published by Humongous Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Blue's Clues Kindergarten is a Windows and Macintosh PC video game distributed on CD-ROM. Based on the television series Blue's Clues, kids can learn different skills that will help them get ready for grade school. Wikipedia
Plot: Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama is a 1996 action video game, developed by Humongous Entertainment. The game is part of the Putt-Putt series of educational video games. It was part of a series of Junior Arcade games, targeted at kids aged three to eight. Wikipedia