Plot: Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is a Mecha first-person shooter video game released by Monolith Productions in 1998. It was the first game to use Monolith's flagship Lithtech engine. As well as performing missions on foot like other conventional FPS games, the game also allows the player to pilot a large...
Plot: Star Wars: Yoda Stories is a 1997 adventure video game based on the Star Wars franchise developed by LucasArts. It was preceded by Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures. Wikipedia
Plot: Blood is a first-person shooter video game developed by Monolith Productions and published by GT Interactive Software. The shareware version was released for the MS-DOS on March 7, 1997, while the full version was released on May 21, 1997 in North America, and June 20, 1997 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Aliens Versus Predator 2 is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Monolith Productions and published by Sierra On-Line for Microsoft Windows in October 2001, and for Mac OS X in July 2003. Wikipedia