Plot: Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer is the fourth Bleach game for the Nintendo DS based on manga and anime by Tite Kubo. The game was developed by studio Dimps and published in August 2009 by Sega. Wikipedia
Plot: Bleach: Dark Souls, known in Japan as Bleach DS 2nd Kokui Hirameku Requiem is the second Bleach game for the Nintendo DS. The game introduces new characters, and adds new moves for the older characters as well as introducing new game modes. Wikipedia
Plot: Bleach: The 3rd Phantom is a tactical role-playing game for Nintendo DS based on the popular manga written by Tite Kubo. It was released in 2008-2010 and is published by Sega. Wikipedia
Plot: Bleach: The Blade of Fate is a 2D fighting game that features the cast of characters from the Bleach anime and manga. The game features Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection, allowing players to connect and play against players all over the world. Wikipedia
Plot: Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer is the fourth Bleach game for the Nintendo DS based on manga and anime by Tite Kubo. The game was developed by studio Dimps and published in August 2009 by Sega. Wikipedia