Plot: Son of Blagger, the sequel to Blagger, is a scrolling platform game created by Tony Crowther and released by Alligata for the Commodore 64 computer in 1983. A ZX Spectrum port by Elliot Gay and a BBC Micro port were released in 1984. Wikipedia
Plot: Blue Max 2001 is a diagonally-scrolling shooter written by Bob Polin for the Atari 8-bit family and published by Synapse Software in 1984. A Commodore 64 version was released the same year. Wikipedia
Plot: Blagger is a platform game created by Antony Crowther for the Commodore 64 and released by Alligata in 1983. A BBC Micro port was released the same year, Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC and MSX in 1984, Commodore 16 and Plus/4 in 1985 and Amstrad PCW in 1987. Wikipedia
Plot: Bobby Bearing is an isometric action-adventure game released by The Edge in 1986 for the Sinclair Spectrum. It was ported to the Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64 by Trevor Inns. Wikipedia