Plot: Air Raid is a 1982 shoot 'em up published for the Atari 2600 by Men-A-Vision, the only game released by the company. The cartridge is a blue T-handle design with a picture of flying saucers attacking a futuristic city. It had extremely limited distribution, making it highly sought after by video game...
Plot: Peek-A-Boo Poker, is a video game made by the company Idea-Tek and distributed by Hacker International/Panesian in 1991 as one of their three pornographic video games for NES, the other two being Magic Bubble and Hot Slots. Wikipedia
Plot: Stadium Events is a sports fitness game developed by Human Entertainment and published by Bandai for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This and Athletic World are the two games in the Family Fun Fitness series, designed and branded for the short-lived Family Fun Fitness mat accessory for the NES....
Plot: Bubble Bath Babes is a 1991 adult-oriented puzzle video game developed and published in Asia by C&E for NES. It is one of three adult NES games, unlicensed by Nintendo, and released via mail-order by Panesian along with Hot Slots and Peek-A-Boo Poker. Wikipedia
Plot: The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship is a 1996 soccer arcade video game developed and published by SNK. Despite the international name, it is the fourth installment in the Super Sidekicks series, preceding Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory. Wikipedia
Plot: Rad Racer, originally released in Japan as Highway Star, is a racing game developed and published by Square for the Family Computer in 1987. In this game, players drive a Ferrari 328 or a generic Formula One racing machine through a race course. Wikipedia