Plot: Cris Tales, is an upcoming action role-playing video game developed by Colombian studio Dreams Uncorporated and Syck, and published by Modus Games. Its release is scheduled for July 2021, and it will be available in most current platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: Biomutant is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by Swedish developer Experiment 101 and published by THQ Nordic. The game will be released on May 25, 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Wikipedia
Plot: Destroy All Humans! is an open world action-adventure video game franchise that is designed as a parody of Cold War-era alien invasion films. Destroy All Humans! is available for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, Destroy All Humans! 2 is available for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, Destroy All Humans! Wikipedia...
Plot: Darksiders Genesis is a top-down hack and slash action role-playing video game developed by American studio Airship Syndicate and published by THQ Nordic. Wikipedia
Plot: Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 is an upcoming action role-playing video game published by Paradox Interactive. A sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, the game is part of the World of Darkness series and based on the tabletop role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. Wikipedia
Plot: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a 2012 action role-playing video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developed by Big Huge Games and 38 Studios, who also published the game with Electronic Arts. It was the only game released by 38 Studios before they filed for bankruptcy. Wikipedia...
Plot: Crypt of the NecroDancer is a roguelike rhythm video game developed and published by Canadian independent game studio Brace Yourself Games. The game takes fundamental elements of a roguelike dungeon exploration game and adds a beat-matching rhythm game set to an original soundtrack written by Danny...