Plot: Action Girlz Racing is a Wii video game released initially in 2007 in Europe. The game was developed by Data Design Interactive and published by Popcorn Arcade and Conspiracy Entertainment in Europe and America, respectively.
Plot: Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer is a 2005 action-adventure platform game developed by VIS Entertainment for the PlayStation 2. It received an enhanced port for the Xbox 360 and Wii under the name Brave: A Warrior's Tale. Wikipedia
Plot: Aqua Aqua, known in Japan as Aquaqua, and in Europe as Aqua Aqua: Wetrix 2, is a puzzle video game for the PlayStation 2 and is the sequel to game Wetrix, developed by British studio Zed Two. It offers fewer features than Wetrix, but it features improved graphics and a new story mode. Wikipedia