Plot: Tenshi No Uta is a role-playing video game series produced by Telenet Japan. The series has a motif of Celtic mythology, while with the theme of the love between man and woman. The series contains three titles: Tenshi No Uta, Tenshi no Uta II: Datenshi no Sentaku, and Tenshi No Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa...
Plot: Momotaro Densetsu is a role-playing video game series in Japan featuring the character Momotarō from Japanese folklore, as well as other Japanese folklore characters such as Kintarō, Urashima Tarō, and Princess Kaguya of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Wikipedia
Plot: Outlive is a real-time strategy video game developed and produced by Brazilian studio Continuum Entertainment. It is a mission-based real-time strategy game where the player controls either the human military or robot forces and attempts to eliminate all opposing forces. Wikipedia
Plot: Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean is a role-playing video game produced by Sunsoft for the Sega Saturn. It was originally made for the Super NES, and ported to the Saturn late in its development. Released in Japan in August 1996, the game was made available in North America in July 1997 by Working Designs...
Plot: Double Dungeons is a role-playing video game developed by Masaya and published by NEC for the TurboGrafx-16 in 1989 in Japan and in 1990 in North America. Its unique selling point was that it supports simultaneously two-player gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Ripple Island is an adventure game developed and published by Sunsoft. The game was only released in Japan on January 23, 1988 for the Family Computer. Wikipedia
Plot: Jaseiken Necromancer is a fantasy role-playing video game for the PC Engine, PlayStation Network and the Virtual Console. The PC Engine version was only released in Japan. In February 2011, the game was released as Necromancer on Apple's App Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Vay, released in Japan as Vay: Ryuusei no Yoroi, is a 1993 role-playing video game for the Sega CD. It was developed by Hertz, published by SIMS in Japan, and localized by Working Designs for the United States. In 2008 it was rereleased for the iPhone by SoMoGa, Inc. Wikipedia
Plot: Cyber Knight is a science fiction PC Engine and Super Famicom role-playing video game that combines sci-fi space exploration with strategic robot combat. This game is intended for experienced role-playing gamers only. Wikipedia