Plot: Klonoa: Moonlight Museum is a video game developed by Namco and published by Bandai, released in Japan for the WonderSwan in 1999. It is the first handheld game in the Klonoa series to place him in a fully two-dimensional world, and established the system that his Game Boy Advance titles later used...
Plot: beatmania III is a rhythm video game created by Konami. Gameplay is essentially the same as in the beatmania series, with a few enhancements to the hardware. The beatmania III series was relatively short-lived, spanning only 2 years. It had five releases, the last one being Beatmania III The Final...
Plot: Ghosts 'n Goblins is a side-scrolling platform arcade game developed by Capcom and released in arcades in 1985. It is the first game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise, and has since been ported to numerous home platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix is the fourth game in the main Dance Dance Revolution series of music video games. It was released as an arcade game by Konami on August 24, 2000 in Japan. 4thMix features 136 songs, of which 37 are new songs available and 12 are new unlockables that require an operator...