Plot: Tough Turf is a 1989 2D beat 'em up arcade game developed by Sunsoft and Sega. It was published by Sega in Japan and by Sunsoft of America in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Aurail is a scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game developed by Westone and released by Sega in 1990. The player pilots a tank mecha and shoots enemies, collects power-ups to increase shields, operates the remote attack drone, and defeats bosses to advance levels. It features tunnel levels with a first...
Plot: Acrobatic Dog-Fight is a multidirectional shooter released in arcades by Technos in 1984. The graphics and core gameplay are similar to 1982's more popular Time Pilot from Konami. Wikipedia
Plot: Battle Cross is a shoot 'em up released in arcades by Omori Electric in 1982. The player controls a fighter spacecraft by moving around the screen and shooting enemies. In 1984 Sony published a version for the Sony Hit-Bit 75 MSX computer. Wikipedia