Plot: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online, also known simply as First Assault, was a free-to-play online first person shooter video game developed by South Korean developer Neople and published by Nexon. It was one of adaptations of the anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone...
Plot: Block N Load is a team-based first-person shooter and voxel-based sandbox video game developed and published by Jagex in conjunction with Artplant. A successor to Ace of Spades, the game was released as a free-to-play title on 30 April 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Alliance of Valiant Arms is a free-to-play online first-person shooter video game, developed by now-defunct Red Duck, Inc. using Unreal Engine 3. In North America and Europe, the game was published by En Masse Entertainment, Aeria Games, and ijji. Wikipedia
Plot: Guns and Robots is a cartoon-style online shooter developed by Masthead Studios for Microsoft Windows. The focus on the game is construction of gunfighters and team-based gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Dirty Bomb, formerly known as Extraction, is a free to play first-person shooter multiplayer video game. It was developed by Splash Damage and initially published by Nexon America for Microsoft Windows, and open beta version was released in June 2015. Wikipedia