Plot: Power Athlete, known outside Japan for the Sega Genesis as Deadly Moves and for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System as Power Moves, is a 1992 fighting video game developed by System Vision and published by Kaneko. Wikipedia
Plot: Battle Blaze is a 1992 medieval fighting game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System by Sammy Studios. Players use swords, morningstars, knives, and other weapons to beat up their opponents. The player can either play in a colosseum or on a quest. Wikipedia
Plot: Ragnagard is 2D arcade fighting game developed by System Vision and published by Saurus for the Neo Geo arcade, Neo Geo CD and Sega Saturn. The game's characters are all based on Shinto deities. Wikipedia
Plot: Tuff E Nuff, known in Japan as Dead Dance, is a 1993 fighting game developed and released by Jaleco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Chinese Fighter is a 1995 fighting game developed and published by Culture Brain for the Super Famicom exclusively in Japan. It is part of the Super Chinese series, but is not in the main series of the games. Wikipedia
Plot: Onita Atsushi FMW is a wrestling video game for Super Famicom. It was released on August 6, 1993 to an exclusively Japanese audience with an endorsement by Japanese professional wrestler Atsushi Onita. Wikipedia