Plot: Let's Tap is a video game developed by Yuji Naka's studio Prope and published by Sega for the Wii console. Along with Let's Catch, Let's Tap was the first game from Prope to be announced. Owners of Let's Tap can unlock content in Let's Catch. The game was later released as five individual applications...
Plot: Geometry Wars: Galaxies is a multidirectional shooter video game developed by Bizarre Creations and Kuju Entertainment, and published by Vivendi Games for the Wii and Nintendo DS in November 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends is the sequel to the Nintendo DS video game Cooking Mama and its Wii spin off, Cooking Mama: Cook Off. The game has twice as many minigames as the original, new recipes, and a new multiplayer Cook Off mode. Wikipedia
Plot: Cooking Mama is a Japanese video game series and media franchise owned by Cooking Mama Limited. The series is a cookery simulation-styled minigame compilation of many video games and adventures for Nintendo gaming platforms. Wikipedia