Plot: Hiōden: Mamono-tachi tono Chikai is a video game that was published in 1992 by Telenet Japan and developed by their Wolfteam subsidiary. It was released on the NEC PC-98 in the same year. The game was later ported to the Super Famicom in 1994. Its subtitle could be translated as Legend of the Scarlet...
Plot: Battle Blaze is a 1992 medieval fighting game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System by Sammy Studios. Players use swords, morningstars, knives, and other weapons to beat up their opponents. The player can either play in a colosseum or on a quest. Wikipedia
Plot: BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge is a horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game released by Atlus in 1992 and was ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in the same year. Wikipedia
Plot: Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean is a role-playing video game produced by Sunsoft for the Sega Saturn. It was originally made for the Super NES, and ported to the Saturn late in its development. Released in Japan in August 1996, the game was made available in North America in July 1997 by Working Designs...