Plot: Neo Mr. Do! is a maze game released in 1995 by Visco for the Neo Geo MVS system, under license from Universal. It was never released on the AES home console and was never ported to other systems.
Plot: Ghostlop is an unreleased 1996 puzzle arcade video game that was in development by Data East and planned to be published by SNK for the Neo Geo MVS, Neo Geo AES and Neo Geo CD. Wikipedia
Plot: Money Puzzle Exchanger is a puzzle game created on January 17, 1997 by Japanese video game developer Face for the Neo Geo MVS arcade system. Athena Co. Ltd. ported it to the Game Boy on August 29, 1997, and the PlayStation on November 5, 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Gururin is a puzzle arcade video game developed by Face, with the assistance of Minato Giken, and originally published by SNK on May 25, 1994. It was the first game to be created by Face for the Neo Geo platform and it was not released on the Neo Geo AES. Wikipedia
Plot: Breakers is a competitive fighting game developed by Visco Corporation, which was released for the Neo Geo. It was followed up by Breakers Revenge in 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: King of the Monsters is a fighting game developed by SNK, released for arcades in Japan in 1991, and ported to the Neo Geo AES later that same year. The game features playable giant monsters that are reminiscent of characters from kaiju and tokusatsu films. Wikipedia