Plot: Demons to Diamonds is a fixed shooter for the Atari 2600 produced by Atari, Inc. and released in 1982. It was programmed by Nick Turner with graphics designed by Alan Murphy. Nick Turner previously ported Super Breakout to the 2600. Wikipedia
Plot: Atari Video Cube is a puzzle video game developed by GCC for the Atari 2600 and published by Atari, Inc. in 1982. Atari Video Cube was sold exclusively through the Atari Club, run by Atari, Inc. Originally an unlicensed interpretation of the Rubik's Cube toy, Atari rereleased the game in 1984 as Rubik...
Plot: Secret Quest is an action-adventure game developed by Axlon for the Atari 2600 and published by Atari Corporation in 1989. The player controls a humanoid character that fights monsters and gathers items on a series of space stations. It was one of the last games released for the console. Wikipedia
Plot: Double Dunk is a basketball video game developed by Atari Corporation and released in 1989 for the Atari 2600. Programmed by Matthew Hubbard, who previously wrote Dolphin and Zenji for Activision, Double Dunk was one of the last games produced by Atari for its well-known console. Wikipedia
Plot: Stellar Track is an Atari VCS game developed by Rob Zdybel of Atari, Inc. and published by Sears under the Tele-Games brand in 1980. It is one of three such games that were released only through Sears. Wikipedia
Plot: Maze Craze: A Game of Cops and Robbers is a 4K cartridge for the Atari Video Computer System developed by Rick Maurer and published by Atari, Inc. in 1980. In Maze Craze, two players compete to be the first to escape a randomly generated, top-down maze. A range of game variations make play more interesting...