Plot: Army Men: Operation Green is a top-down shooter video game developed by Pocket Studios and published by The 3DO Company exclusively for the Game Boy Advance. It was released in North America on December 3, 2001 and in Europe on March 15, 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Army Men Advance is a top-down shooter video game developed by DC Studios and published by The 3DO Company exclusively for Game Boy Advance. Wikipedia
Plot: An American Tail: Fievel's Gold Rush is a platform game that was first released in Europe on March 1, 2002, for the Game Boy Advance, then in North America on May 2, 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Asterix and the Power of the Gods is a 1995 platform game for the Sega Genesis based on the comic book series Asterix, most notably Asterix and the Chieftan's Shield. Wikipedia