Plot: Arm Wrestling is a 1985 arcade game developed by Nintendo and released only in North America. As a spin-off of the Punch-Out!! series, and created by the same development team, Arm Wrestling features many of the same features, such as a dual-monitor system and quirky computer opponents. Wikipedia
Plot: Chimera Beast is an unreleased coin-operated arcade video game developed by C.P. Brain and planned to be released by Jaleco in 1993. It is a scrolling shooter with primarily horizontal movement. Wikipedia
Plot: American Horseshoes is a 1 to 4 player horseshoes arcade game released by Taito in 1990. Each player can choose from one of four characters: Lucky Lou, Diamond Dave, Tossin' Tom and Mayhem Mary. There are two pitches in each inning. Players may select grip and throwing angle prior to each pitch. Wikipedia...
Plot: A.D. 2083 is a video game released in arcades in 1983 by Italian company Midcoin. The game is a multidirectional shooter that takes place over a horizontally scrolling background where the players's ship can move in eight directions, similar to Time Pilot. Wikipedia