Plot: Scorched Earth is a shareware artillery video game. The game was released for IBM PC compatibles in 1991, originally written by Wendell Hicken, in which tanks do turn-based battle in two-dimensional terrain, with each player adjusting the angle and power of their tank turret before each shot. Wikipedia...
Plot: Earth 2150 also known as Earth 2150: Escape from the Blue Planet is a real-time strategy game, originally published in 2000 by SSI and the Polish developer Reality Pump and a sequel to the largely unknown Earth 2140. It was one of the first commercial full-3D games of its kind. Wikipedia
Plot: Two Worlds II is an action role-playing game developed by Polish video game developer Reality Pump and published by TopWare Interactive as a sequel to 2007's Two Worlds. It was released on November 9, 2010 in Europe for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Wikipedia