Plot: Panel Action Bingo is a Game Boy action/adventure video game developed by Japanese studio Locus where the player controls a bird. It was released in November 1993 to an exclusively North American market. Wikipedia
Plot: BATTLE PINGPONG is a Japanese table tennis video game developed and published by Quest for the Game Boy exclusively in Japan. It was released in Japan on August 31, 1990 and never saw a release in another territory, although the game was going to be published by Sammy in America. Wikipedia
Plot: Asmik-kun World 2 is a Game Boy video game by Asmik, copyrighted in 1991.Unlike its predecessor, Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World, this game was never released outside Japan. Like its predecessor, the game is an excellent example of the trap-em-up genre, which also includes games like Heiankyo Alien...