Plot: Luxor 2 is an action-oriented casual puzzle game developed by MumboJumbo. First released in 2006, it is the sequel to the original Luxor, which was released in 2005. The title can be played online at several different sites, and can be purchased for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Xbox Live Arcade...
Plot: 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a puzzle video game. It was developed by Hot Lava Games' Russian studio and published by MumboJumbo in February 2007. On April 2, 2009, the PSP version of 7 Wonders of the Ancient World was released on the PlayStation Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Rubik's Puzzle World, known as Rubik's World in North America, is a puzzle video game for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms developed by Two Tribes and published by The Game Factory. The videogame features the famous Rubik's Cube, originally designed by the Hungarian inventor ErnΕ Rubik. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Fruit Fall is a video game designed by Cheshire-based game developer Nissimo and published by Cheshire-based System 3. Wii, PlayStation 2, and PSP versions of the game were developed by Leamington Spa-based game developer SLAM Productions. A Nintendo DS version was also released. Wikipedia
Plot: King of Clubs is a video game for the Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Windows developed by Oxygen Studios and published by Oxygen Interactive. Its story involves a rich Elvis-like man named Big Bubba who opens a themed crazy golf course. Wikipedia
Plot: CID The Dummy is an adventure video game released for the PlayStation 2, Wii, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation Portable on April 17, 2009 in Europe and July 7, 2009 in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Groovin' Blocks is a puzzle video game for Wii by Empty Clip Studios. It was released in North America on September 8, 2008 as a downloadable WiiWare game. It also released as an expanded retail of the game in North America on August 11, 2009. Wikipedia