Plot: Arnie is a 1992 action game developed by Reals of Fantasy and published by Zeppelin Games. The plot concerns a lone soldier who must fight through army camps. Wikipedia
Plot: The Astonishing Adventures Of Mr Weems And The She Vampires is a video game developed by RamJam Corporation in 1987. The game is loosely based upon the 1985 Atari Games arcade title Gauntlet. Wikipedia
Plot: Arnie is a 1992 action game developed by Reals of Fantasy and published by Zeppelin Games. The plot concerns a lone soldier who must fight through army camps. Wikipedia
Plot: Ace 2 is a combat flight simulator video game developed by Cascade Games for various home computers released in 1987, and a sequel to Ace. The player takes the role of a fighter jet pilot on modern day missions in the Middle East. The display shows the plane's instrumentation and cockpit view. Wikipedia...
Plot: Adidas Championship Football is a soccer video game developed by Ocean Software in 1990. It was released for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. The Spectrum version of the game went to number 2 in the UK sales charts, behind Shadow Warriors. Wikipedia
Plot: Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back is a computer game released in 1987 for the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64. It is the follow-up to the ZX Spectrum game Agent X. The player takes control of the eponymous Agent X in a multi-load game made up of a number of sub-games. Wikipedia
Plot: Annals of Rome is a turn-based strategy video game developed by Level 9 Computing and published by Personal Software Services. It was first released in the United Kingdom for the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Atari ST in 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge is a video game of darts, created after darts champion Jocky Wilson. The game was published by Zeppelin Games and was released in 1989 for the Atari 8-bit family, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum Amstrad CPC and Amiga. Music for the game was composed by Adam Gilmore. Wikipedia...
Plot: Championship 3D Snooker is a sports simulation video game developed and created by Steven Walters and published by Zeppelin Games Limited in 1992. Wikipedia