Plot: Animal Paradise is a 2007 video game by Agatsuma Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. It was originally slated for release in North America as Pocket Pets, by O~3 Entertainment. Empire Interactive later published the title as Animal Paradise, as it had already done in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: 100 Classic Book Collection, known in North America as 100 Classic Books, is an e-book collection developed by Genius Sonority and published by Nintendo, which was released for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. Wikipedia
Plot: Another Code: Two Memories, released as Trace Memory in North America, is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Cing and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS portable video game console. A sequel, Another Code: R A Journey into Lost Memories, was released for the Wii. Wikipedia
Plot: ATV: Quad Frenzy is a 2005 racing video game developed for the Nintendo DS by Skyworks Technologies and published by Majesco Entertainment. It was released for the Nintendo DS handheld games console on November 14, 2005 in North America, on June 16, 2006 in Europe and on October 25, 2007 in Australia...
Plot: Ankh is a 2005 graphic adventure game developed by the German company Deck13 and published by bhv Software. It features a three-dimensional environment with cinematic camera movement. Humor is an important aspect of the game, and the influence of classic LucasArts adventure games is noticeable. Wikipedia...