Plot: Angry Birds is a 2009 casual puzzle video game developed by Rovio Entertainment. Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for iOS and Maemo devices in December 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds Blast Island is a free-to-play tile-matching puzzle video game that was soft-launched in select countries and regions on February 1, 2018 and is slated for wide release later this year. The game is a direct sequel to the original Angry Birds Blast! released in December 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds Fight! was a match-3 puzzle video game with role-playing game elements and was the eleventh installment in the Angry Birds series. The game was co-developed by Rovio Entertainment and Kiteretsu Inc. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds Blast is a free-to-play tile-matching puzzle game, developed by Bandai Namco Studios and published by Rovio Entertainment in 2016 as a spin-off from the Angry Birds franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds Evolution, later renamed to Angry Birds Evolution 2020, is a free-to-play 3-D turn-based role-playing puzzle game that was released worldwide by Rovio Entertainment on June 15, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds Action! was a 2016 pinball video game developed by Tag Games and published by Rovio Entertainment as the thirteenth game in the Angry Birds series, and the first to have the birds appear like their counterparts in The Angry Birds Movie. Wikipedia