Plot: Symphonic Rain is a Japanese musical visual novel developed by Kogado Studio and first released as a limited edition version on March 26, 2004 for Windows as part of a series of music adventure games done by its Kuroneko-san Team; the regular edition followed on August 27, 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Mimana Iyar Chronicle is a role-playing video game developed by Kogado Studio and Premium Agency. It was published in Japan by GungHo Works on February 26, 2009 and in North America by Aksys Games on March 30, 2010 for the PlayStation Portable. Wikipedia
Plot: Gadget Trial is a Japanese game for Windows operating systems, which combines turn-based strategy gaming with visual novel elements, using an anime style of artwork for its character designs. It was developed by KOGADO Studio's Kuma-san Team, and was released in Japan on June 23, 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea is a PS2, PSP, and PC game, developed by Kogado Studio. This game is part of the Deep-Blue series along with the sequel, Neosphere of the Deep-Blue Sky and Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin. Wikipedia