Plot: 101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix is a video game developed by Nordcurrent and published by Atlus for the Wii. It was first released in Europe on November 19, 2010 and in North America on January 13, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge is a sports based quiz video game for Wii, PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Windows platforms developed by The Code Monkeys and published by Oxygen Games. It is based on former Liverpool and Scotland footballer Alan Hansen. It was released in Europe in November 2007. Wikipedia...
Plot: Active Life: Extreme Challenge is a video game for the Wii platform, created by Bandai Namco Games. It is the sequel to the 2008 game Active Life: Outdoor Challenge and was released on August 11, 2009. The game uses a mat to play mini-games. Wikipedia
Plot: AMF Bowling World Lanes is a sports video game developed by American company Front Line Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks on November 18, 2008 for the Wii video game console. It is the second AMF Bowling game on the Wii after AMF Bowling Pinbusters! Wikipedia
Plot: Active Life: Explorer, known in Japan and Europe as Family Trainer: Treasure Adventure, is a sports produced by Maya Ito. First announced at E3 2010, it was released by Namco Bandai for the Wii that same year. Explorer is the sequel to the 2009 video game Active Life: Extreme Challenge. Wikipedia