Plot: All Star Pro-Wrestling is a Japan-exclusive professional wrestling video game developed and published by Square on June 8, 2000 for the PlayStation 2. It was the first wrestling game published on this platform. Wikipedia
Plot: Wrestle Kingdom is a licensed professional wrestling video game by Yuke's, released in Japan for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2. The game combines the top stars of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, All Japan Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Noah, and freelancers. Wikipedia
Plot: Wrestle Kingdom is a licensed professional wrestling video game by Yuke's, released in Japan for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2. The game combines the top stars of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, All Japan Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Noah, and freelancers. Wikipedia
Plot: Code Age Commanders: Tsugu Mono Tsugareru Mono is a Japan-exclusive action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix on October 13, 2005 for the PlayStation 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Heavy Metal Thunder is an action game developed by Media.Vision and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 2 console. It was released in Japan exclusively. Production companies Satelight and How Full's participated in the creation of the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Virtual Pro Wrestling 2: Ōdō Keishō is a professional wrestling video game released in 2000 for the Nintendo 64 game console. The game was only released in Japan and is the sequel to 1997's Virtual Pro Wrestling 64. Wikipedia