Plot: Quarterback is a one- or two-player American football arcade game released by Leland in 1987. On Offensive, the player chooses a strategy by selecting a play and maneuvering their quarterback through the right hole or leading the intended receiver with the passing target to complete a pass. Wikipedia...
Plot: NES Play Action Football is a football video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by TOSE, published by Nintendo, and was released in 1990. The game was also ported to the Game Boy as Play Action Football, and received a follow up on the Super NES titled Super Play Action Football...
Plot: Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City is a platform video game developed by Rare and published by the Milton Bradley Company for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was first released in North America in December 1990 and in Europe in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Time Lord is a side-scrolling action-platform video game developed by Rare and published by Milton Bradley Company for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was released in North America in September 1990 and in Europe in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Glove Ball is a game made by Rare in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, specifically designed to be played with the Power Glove controller. However, it can also be played with a standard NES controller. It was sold separately from the Power Glove. Wikipedia
Plot: Taboo: The Sixth Sense is a tarot card reading simulation developed by Rare and published by Tradewest for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989. This video game gives users a tarot reading where the dealer automatically shuffles the cards. Wikipedia
Plot: Slalom is a skiing video game in which the player races in a series of downhill slalom runs while navigating past flags and obstacles before time expires. It was developed by Rare and first released by Nintendo for the Nintendo VS. System in 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: Touch Down Fever is a 1987 American football arcade game developed and published by SNK. It was later ported to the NES and was released in North America by SNK on February 1991 and in Japan by K. Amusement Leasing on November 11, 1988, titled as Touch Down Fever: American Football. Wikipedia
Plot: Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf is a golf-simulation video game developed by Sculptured Software, and published by Accolade beginning in 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: NFL GameDay 2000 is a video game developed by Red Zone Interactive and published by 989 Sports for the PlayStation in 1999. On the cover is Terrell Davis. Wikipedia
Plot: Cobra Triangle is a racing, vehicular combat video game developed by Rare. It was initially released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988, and was published by Nintendo for North America in July 1989. The player controls a weapon-equipped speedboat through 25 levels. Wikipedia
Plot: Anticipation is a video board game developed by Rare and released by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. It is playable in either single-player or multiplayer mode, with up to four players competing against each other and/or computer-controlled opponents. Wikipedia
Plot: Captain Skyhawk is a scrolling shooter video game developed by Rare and published by Milton Bradley Company. The game was released in North America in June 1990 and in Europe the next year for the NES. It was also released for the PlayChoice-10 arcade machine. It features music by composer David Wise...