Plot: Mercenaries Saga Chronicles is a tactical role-playing game released for the Nintendo Switch. The game is a collection of three previous Mercenaries Saga games - Mercenaries Saga: Will of the White Lions, Mercenaries Saga 2: Order of the Silver Eagle and Mercenaries Saga 3: Gray Wolves of War. Wikipedia...
Plot: Recettear: An Item Shops Tale is a role-playing game developed by Japanese dōjin maker EasyGameStation for the Windows operating system. Wikipedia
Plot: Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder is the 4th entry in Chibi-Robo series. It takes a large departure from the series' norm focusing a lot more on a mission structure and AR similar to how Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity uses it for dungeons. The game is about collecting NostalJunk for Museum displays...