Plot: Virtua Tennis is a series of tennis simulation video games started in 1999 by Sega AM3. The player competes through tennis tournaments and various arcade modes. Originally released to arcades, for the home console market the game was expanded with the introduction of the campaign mode. Wikipedia
Plot: Actua Golf 2 is a 1998 golf simulation video game. It was developed and published by Gremlin Interactive in the United Kingdom for PlayStation and Microsoft Windows. It is part of the Actua Sports series, and follows Actua Golf. Wikipedia
Plot: Close Combat: Invasion: Normandy is a 2000 computer wargame developed by Atomic Games and published by Mattel Interactive. It is the fifth game in the Close Combat series. Wikipedia
Plot: Actua Pool is a sports simulation video game developed by British companies Gremlin Interactive and Mirage Ltd as part of their highly successful Actua Sports series of sport simulators of the mid-to-late 1990s. Wikipedia
Plot: Actua Golf is a 1996 golf simulation video game developed and published by Gremlin Interactive for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn. It is part of the Actua Sports series. In the United States, it was published by VR Sports under the title VR Golf '97. The game was followed by Actua Golf 2 in 1998....