Plot: LegendMUD is a text-only MUD game founded by a group of friends including virtual world designer Raph Koster. It features historically significant story elements and award-winning gameplay. It opened publicly on February 14, 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Ancient Anguish, abbreviated AA, is a fantasy-themed MUD, a text-based online role-playing game. Founded in 1991 by Balz Zor Meierhans and Olivier Drake Maquelin, it opened to the public on February 2, 1992. It is free-to-play, but has been supported by player donations since 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: DikuMUD is a multiplayer text-based role-playing game, which is a type of multi-user domain. It was written in 1990 and 1991 by Sebastian Hammer, Tom Madsen, Katja Nyboe, Michael Seifert, and Hans Henrik Stærfeldt at DIKU the department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen...
Plot: BatMUD is a medieval fantasy MUD, established in 1990. BatMUD is Finland-based and operated and owned by a non-profit organization, Balanced Alternative Techniques ry, officially registered 1994 in Helsinki, Finland. Wikipedia
Plot: Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands is a roleplay-focused, text-based multi-user dungeon released on September 9, 1997. It was published by Achaea LLC, now known as Iron Realms Entertainment. Wikipedia