Plot: 3D Lemmings is a puzzle video game released in 1995, developed by Clockwork Games and published by Psygnosis. The gameplay, like the original Lemmings game, requires the player to lead all the lemmings to their exit by giving them the appropriate skills. It was the first Lemmings game to be rendered...
Plot: Oh No! More Lemmings is an expansion pack to the puzzle video game Lemmings by DMA Design. It contains 100 unique single-player levels and six new music tracks. The Amiga version also includes 10 two-player levels. Wikipedia
Plot: All New World of Lemmings is a puzzle video game released in 1994, as the third game in the Lemmings series. In North America, the game was named The Lemmings Chronicles. It was published by Psygnosis and was the last Lemmings game developed by DMA Design. Wikipedia
Plot: Lemmings 2: The Tribes is a puzzle video game released in 1993, the sequel to Lemmings. As with the original, it was developed by DMA Design and published by Psygnosis. Wikipedia