Plot: 3-D Monster Chase is a first-person maze game written by Dave Noonan and released by Romik in 1984 for both the Amstrad CPC and the ZX Spectrum. Wikipedia
Plot: Xanagrams is an educational game that is a cross between a crossword puzzle and Scrabble. It was given away for free with the Amstrad CPC 464 and was a popular game. There are 3 difficulty level to the game, from middle school aged to adults. Wikipedia
Plot: 750cc Grand Prix is a video game originally developed by Ken Murfitt of Scope Soft and published by Codemasters in 1989 for the Amstrad CPC. It was later ported for ZX Spectrum in 1991 by WASP. Wikipedia
Plot: Sultan's Maze was first released in the United Kingdom in 1983 by Gem Software and then in 1984 in Spain and the UK by Amsoft. The game was included in the game packs that came with the computer when purchasing an Amstrad CPC 464. Wikipedia
Plot: Roland Goes Digging is a 1984 computer game for the Amstrad CPC series of home computers. It was distributed by Amsoft, on cassette tape for CPC464 and Amstrad's proprietary 3 disk format, for CPC664 and CPC6128 users. Wikipedia