Plot: Warring Worms is an Atari 2600 video game based on the 1976 arcade game Blockade. Warring Worms was written by Billy Eno and published in 2002 under the Baroque Gaming label. It was Eno's first released 2600 game. An updated version was released in 2005 as Warring Worms: The Worm Turns. Wikipedia
Plot: Alpha Beam With Ernie is an edutainment video game released for the Atari 2600 by Atari in 1983. It was developed in conjunction with the Children's Computer Workshop. The game was programmed by Michael Callahan and Preston Stuart. Wikipedia
Plot: Armor Ambush is a video game for the Atari 2600 produced by M Network. Mattel originally released the game as Armor Battle for its Intellivision console. Wikipedia
Plot: Chuck Norris Superkicks is a 1983 video game produced by Xonox. It was later sold as Kung Fu Superkicks when the license for the use of the name Chuck Norris expired. The game was produced for the Commodore 64, Commodore VIC-20, Atari 2600, and Colecovision as part of Xonox's double-ender cartridge...
Plot: Atari Video Cube is a puzzle video game developed by GCC for the Atari 2600 and published by Atari, Inc. in 1982. Atari Video Cube was sold exclusively through the Atari Club, run by Atari, Inc. Originally an unlicensed interpretation of the Rubik's Cube toy, Atari rereleased the game in 1984 as Rubik...
Plot: Worms Clan Wars is an artillery turn-based tactics game developed by Team17 and is part of the Worms series. It was released on Windows on August 15, 2013, but is now also available on Mac OS X and Linux. A console port, Worms Battlegrounds, was released the following year. Wikipedia
Plot: Medieval Mayhem is a 2006 game developed for the Atari 2600 console as an updated version of the 1980 Atari, Inc. arcade game Warlords. It was written by American developer Darrell Spice Jr. and released under his SpiceWare label. David Vazquez and Erik Ehrling provided graphics and music for the game...
Plot: Artillery Duel is an artillery game originally written for the Bally Astrocade by Perkins Engineering and published by Bally in 1982. John Perkins wrote the game first in Astro BASIC, submitting it to The Arcadian fanzine, from which it was adapted for the Astro BASIC manual. Wikipedia