Plot: King's Raid is a free-to-play side-scrolling RPG mobile game, which is developed by South Korean indie game developer Vespa and initially published by Thailand-based company GloHow, before Vespa took over the rights in June 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: ROSE Online, or Rush On Seven Episodes Online was a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game previously published by Korean company Gravity Corporation and developed by its subsidiary, Triggersoft. Wikipedia
Plot: Cyber Hunter is a 2019 Chinese sci-fi battle royale video game for mobiles and PC platforms developed and distributed by NetEase. It was released on 26 April 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Raid: Shadow Legends is a freemium mobile game developed and published by Israeli game developer Plarium Games. A PC port for Raid: Shadow Legends was released on January 21, 2020. Wikipedia