Plot: Namco Museum is a series of video game compilations developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for home video game consoles. The first title in the series was released for the PlayStation in 1995, titled Namco Museum Vol. 1. There were five follow-up compilations for the platform. Wikipedia...
Plot: Namco Museum Vol. 1 is a 1995 arcade video game compilation developed and published by Namco for the PlayStation. The collection includes seven arcade games developed by the company that were originally released in the 1980s, such as Pac-Man, Galaga and Pole Position. Wikipedia
Plot: Namco Museum Battle Collection is a 2005 video game compilation developed and published by Namco for the PlayStation Portable. It includes 21 games - four of these are brand-new arrangement remakes of older Namco games, while the rest are emulated ports of Namco arcade games from the 1970s and 1980s...
Plot: Pole Position II is the sequel to racing arcade game Pole Position, released by Namco in 1983. As with its predecessor, Namco licensed this game to Atari, Inc. for US manufacture and distribution, who also released a port of it as the pack-in game for their Atari 7800 ProSystem console. Wikipedia
Plot: Namco Museum DS is a classic arcade game compilation published by Namco Bandai Games. It was originally released for the Nintendo DS on September 18th, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Namco Classic Collection Vol. 1 is a 1995 arcade game compilation developed and published by Namco. It includes three of the company's most well-known games from the early 1980s Galaga, Xevious, and Mappy alongside brand-new Arrangement remakes of these games that have updated gameplay, visuals...
Plot: Namco Museum Remix is a 2007 video game compilation developed and published for the Wii by Namco Bandai Games. The compilation includes nine Namco arcade games and five remix games made specifically for this compilation. Wikipedia
Plot: Atari - 80 Classic Games in One!, also called Atari: The 80 Classic Games, is a video game collection of 1980 video games previously published by Atari, Inc. and Atari Corporation, reproducing Atari's games from its arcade and Atari 2600 game console platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: Rolling Thunder is a side-scrolling action game produced by Namco originally released as a coin-operated arcade game which ran on the Namco System 86 hardware. It was distributed internationally outside Japan by Atari Games. Wikipedia
Plot: Bosconian is a multidirectional scrolling shooter arcade game which was developed and released by Namco in Japan in 1981. In North America, it was manufactured and distributed by Midway Games. Wikipedia