Plot: The Secret World is a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game set in a modern-day real world under attack from occult forces. Ragnar Tørnquist led development of the initial game for Funcom. Wikipedia
Plot: High School Musical: Makin' the Cut! is a video game based on the 2006 television movie High School Musical available for the Nintendo DS. It was featured on Disney 365, airing on Disney Channel, hosted by Chester at the time. Wikipedia
Plot: Crayola Treasure Adventure is a video game based on the Crayola company line of crayons developed by Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The player is a person lost on an island searching for treasure, with only a map and crayons. Wikipedia
Plot: Bangai-O Spirits is an action game for the Nintendo DS, and the sequel to Bangai-O which was released on the Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast. Bangai-O Spirits is a side-scrolling shooting game with free-scrolling levels that extend horizontally and vertically. Wikipedia