Details: Video game Initial Release Date: April 15, 2007 Developer: Studio Pixel Publisher: Studio Pixel Genre: Shooter Video Game Platform: Microsoft Windows Description: Guxt is an arcade game developed by Nicalis. You can play Guxt on Nintendo 3DS.
Plot: Cave Story is a 2004 Metroidvania platform-adventure game for Microsoft Windows. It was developed over five years by Japanese developer Daisuke Pixel Amaya in his free time. Cave Story features 2D platform mechanics and is reminiscent of the games Amaya played in his youth, such as Metroid and Castlevania...
Plot: Ikachan is a freeware video game created by Japanese developer Daisuke Amaya, under the art name Pixel. In the game, the player plays a squid named Ikachan, who swims through a cave, meeting and helping other creatures. The game was later released by Nicalis for the Nintendo 3DS eShop on January 31...
Plot: Cave Story 3D is a Metroidvania platform-adventure game developed by Nicalis and published by Nippon Ichi Software. It was released on November 8, 2011 for the Nintendo 3DS. Wikipedia
Plot: The Disney Afternoon Collection is a compilation video game developed by Digital Eclipse and published by Capcom. It features six video games originally developed by Capcom and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, all based on animated series from the television block The Disney Afternoon...
Plot: Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is an indie Metroidvania video game developed by Brazilian studio Bombservice and published by Playism. The game was originally released on March 4, 2016 for Microsoft Windows. It is the fourth installment of the Momodora series that began in 2010 with Momodora...
Plot: Astebreed is an action shoot 'em up 3D video game, published by Playism and developed by Edelweiss, for PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch. Wikipedia